University of Oxford
Symposium organized by Pr Zoltan Molnar, thursday, february 14th

Conductivity - Oxford 2019
After many years of practice as a teacher and as a trainer of teachers, Robert Kaddouch proposes in this book a clear, concrete and complete discussion of the nature of creation, and presents a method to develop it. The basis is a detailed description of two sessions according to his approach.
These two pedagogical essays give a detailed account of the mechanism of creation from his point of view as a music teacher, and the pedagogical devices to use. They remind us that creation requires communication, and reciprocally.
Current pedagogies of creation focus on the notions that any creation is a mode of expression, and that one should find by oneself ways to develop one’s potential – as if that could be enough. In contrast, Peter (a young autist) and Théodore (a highly gifted child) show us that one does not always express oneself when one creates, and that to express oneself is not merely doing what one wants.
The teacher’s task cannot be limited to exposing the pupil to activities of creation (improvisation, nonstandard problems situations etc.) or of free expression. His role is to actively intervene during the act of creation in order to support it, to block what slows it down, and to help the child connect it to what best corresponds to him. Supporting, blocking, and connecting are the three basic axes of the role of any teacher who strives to awaken and autonomise a capacity that goes beyond creation or communication alone: conductivity.